(max. 100 tasks)
Choose an example program here or
create your own in the table above.
Then Press 'Start' to execute or use 'Step' to single step
through the tasks. |
This mathematical model of an abstract machine forms the foundation for a 'computer' and was
described around 1935 by
Alan Turing (1912-1954), who with
John von Neumann (1903-1957) and
Konrad Zuse (1910-1995) were
significant pioneers in the development of electronic computers.
The earliest design however of what should be called a 'computer' was made by
Charles Babbage (1791-1871),
who worked on a complex mechanical calculating device way before the electric era.
Turing (on portret) described a by finite table controlled state machine, managing a read/write head with a left/right movable endless tape.
A symbolset (with default like space included) can be specified for read/write. To instruct the machine
the statetable must be configured and some preparation may be made to the tape. With 'Step' only the
current statetable task is executed, while 'Start' will repeat until Halt or Reset state. 'Reset' clears
State and 'Wipe' blanks the tape. From 'Reset' state 0 is started and for each step and depending on the
symbol read from the tape at the current head position the state table specifies:
- symbol to write back on tape at current head postion
- direction to move tape one position
- set state for next statetable task (undefined = Reset, unconfigured = Halt)